Thursday, February 11, 2010

Grammi, How Did God Make Me?

This past weekend, we had our three little granddaughters spend the night so that mommy and daddy could have a date night. Well their usual MO is talking us into letting them stay up late so they can spend time with us. How can I resist their brilliant logic of negotiating! Of course you know the rest of the story, these little girls are up at the crack of dawn ready to play and make the most of their day! While we were having breakfast at 7:30 in the morning, my four year old granddaughter asked me,

"Grammi, How Did God Make Me?"

Mind you, I am working on solely one cup of coffee at this time. I knew this was a God wink, and I had to think fast! Lately this particular granddaughter has become aware of some of my artwork around the house. She is always so complimentary and just makes me feel like I am the best artist around. The best way I could explain it to her was to relate it to how Grammi likes to make things, I told her God is an artist too and He made her cute little face, hands, her smile and her little heart and put it all into her mommy's tummy until she was born, and when He saw what He had created, He said Kiana Moon is so beautiful and good, that He did it again. Then mommy had Kalea Star, and God said Wow! She is beautiful too, so God did it again and then Lilija May was born! For now, all the kids just smiled at this story. And marveled at how creative God is to make them all so special because there is no one else that looks like them.

We Are God's Masterpieces!
- Ephesians 2:10


  1. Good answer! Way to think on your feet! : )

  2. ok so, I just figured out how to access the blog page. These are great!! Love them. I may have to visit facebook more than once a month. lol

  3. How beautiful that you are called to minister to the girls. I am reading "A walk across the room" about how we are called at times such as these to begin the process of bringing people closer to God. YOu and I have a great purpose. Bringing this great news to the children in our lives so that they Will know Him and learn about Him and soon accept Him into their hearts. What a wonderful job God has given us. WE have the best job in the world!
