This is a photo of my Uncle Joe and his little “Reyna”. He is married to my dad’s oldest sister, my Aunt Lupe. Their story is one of great love - His love.
Recently I received a phone call letting me know he had been diagnosed with leukemia, and is losing his battle in spite of the evasive chemo treatments he has been receiving.
They met while they were at Bible College and quickly fell in love and married soon after they graduated from Bible College. They were young and full of passion for the ministry and soon had a church. For years, Uncle Joe did what he loved to do the most; that was to preach and to share the message of hope, forgiveness and good ol’ fashioned salvation. He was a soft spoken man, very gentle and kind, but when he got to preaching...there was no stopping him.
Myself, and my two cousins, Jack and Jerry had a blast riding our bikes! I, of course was a tomboy, so I fit right in with the boys. But my Uncle Joe, who quite frequently referred to me as his little “Reyna”, which is princess in Spanish, made me feel like I was a member of their family. I remember sneaking out of our rooms to watch The Beatles land in the USA. We thought we were pretty clever back then when we crawled like GI Joe to get a peak from behind the sofa where my Aunt Lupe and Uncle Joe were cuddled up watching television. They were so on to us, but they were cool. We were watching history. Those were the days without a care.
Those days left an eternal thumbprint on my life about how a family built on God’s foundation flourishes. Their home was full of faith, hope and love. But truly, the greatest of these is love…HIS love, for that is what endured in the end.