“I love the angel wings, Grammi!” I quickly looked up as one of my little granddaughters proclaimed with excitement. Could it be she really was seeing heavenly hosts in my living room? There was no way my home could be good enough to entertain a majestic visitor! My eyes scanned the room with such precision that only Grammi’s possess, but I couldn’t see anything. For a split second I was a little bit afraid of where this might be going, and I was reluctant to encourage the imaginary intelligence of this little precocious preschooler. She caught me scanning the room and once again she proclaimed,
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”
Well, by then I was convinced only she had been given the ability to see what I couldn’t. I asked her, “You see angel wings?” With an assured confidence, she nodded yes. I delicately asked her, “Can you show Grammi where the angel wings are?” Without any hesitation she points in the direction of the piano, and there it was. I could it see through the eyes of a child, the “Angel Wings” were nothing more than a crystal bowl I received as a wedding present from my best friends many years ago. But now I see it completely different. That day I realized I WAS in the presence of three little angels staying at Grammi’s, but I was also reminded as clearly as the crystal bowl that we are to continue to love each other with true Christian love. Not forgetting to show hospitality to strangers, neighbors, co workers, or friends that need HIS love.
Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this
Have entertained angels without realizing it!
- Hebrews 13:2